Bole Reality Plaza 9th floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dedicated Resources

You have more control over your server environment and can optimize resource allocation based on your specific needs.

Scalable Resource

Your server grows with you and your needs.

Root Access

Your server is only for you. You have full privileged.


Full privileged root access i.e. every customization is on your hand.


Security is our priority!


Our servers are partitioned with balancing of storage, CPU and RAM.

Let's manage & customize your server

Virtual server operates its own operating system and software applications, providing users with greater control, flexibility, and security compared to shared hosting.

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Backup Services

We offer two types of backup services to ensure your data is safe and secure:

  • Daily Backup: Your data will be backed up every day and retained for 7 days. This service costs 30% of the VPS price per month.
  • Weekly Backup: Your data will be backed up once a week and retained for four weeks. This service costs 20% of the VPS price per month.

You can choose the backup option that best suits your needs when setting up your VPS or contact us for more information.

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Backup Service Available On Request

If you need any help? – We are here!

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Ashewa Cloud

Ashewa Cloud is a cloud computing platform offering scalable VPS hosting, shared hosting, and SaaS solutions for businesses and individuals with affordable pricng and hosting option alternatives.


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